GPL World Ranking.jpg



 LIGUES - CHAMPIONNATS - PILOTES - 03.02-08.12.2019

 LEAGUES - CHAMPIONSHIPS - DRIVERS - 03.02-08.12.2019 



  Depuis 2007 je publie un classement des pilotes engagés dans les championnats francophones sur le même modèle que ce qui se fait en tennis avec l'ATP Tour.


Cette année, vu que les championnats francophones se réduisent désormais à celui de la ligue belge, ce classement, baptisé jusqu'ici MultiGPLigues, devient le GPL World Ranking et englobe maintenant l'ensemble des ligues européennes et américaines.


Chaque championnat se voit attribué une catégorie, un coefficient, selon ses caractéristiques. Durée des courses, F1 de 67 ou mods, autorisation ou non du shift-R déterminent ces catégories. Le nombre de pilotes engagés à chaque course est également pris en compte.


Les points attribués sont 9, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 comme en 1967 avant que soient multipliés ces points par les coefficients évoqués ci-dessus.


Si une course comprend seulement 10 ou 9 partants, le 6è classé n'aura pas de points. Pour les courses avec 7 et 8 pilotes seuls les 4 premiers sont comptabilisés. Pour 5 et 6 pilotes seulement 3. Enfin, si une de ces courses comptait moins de 5 partants elle ne serait pas comptabilisée pour ce classement.



  Since 2007 I've been publishing a ranking of drivers involved in the French-speaking championships, on the same model as what is done in tennis with the ATP Tour.


This year, as the French-speaking championships are now reduced at the Belgian league only, this classification, previously called "MultiGPLigues", becomes the "GPL World Ranking" and now includes all the European and American leagues.


Each championship is assigned a category, a coefficient, according to its characteristics. Duration of the races, F1 of 67 or mods, authorization or not of the shift-R, determine these categories. The number of pilots engaged at each race is also taken into account.


The points awarded are 9, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 as in 1967, before these points are multiplied by the coefficients mentioned above.


If a race has only 10 or 9 starters, the 6th ranked racer will not have any points. For races with 7 and 8 drivers only the first 4 are counted. for 5 and 6 drivers only 3. Finally, if one of these races had less than 5 starters it would not be counted for this ranking.






NPaysLiguesModsCat/CoeffDuréeRèglement / Rules
1 Clandestines Trophy (16.01-17.04) 1955 4 & 3 35 & 20 mn Pro mode + no shift-r
2 Clandestines Trophy (14.08-22.12) 1967 X 5 30 mn Pro mode + no shift-r
3 HIES - Historic Esports League (10.01-28.11) 1967 5, 6 &7 45, 60 & 90 mn Pro mode + no shift-r + dirtgear patch v.71
4 Fun-Liga (09.01-11.12) SC X 4 45 mn Int long + shift+r + stop&go in pitlane in the next lap
5 GELI - Gentlemens League (11.01-13.12) 1967 7 & 6 90 & 60 mn Pro Long ou Grand Prix - realistic damage mode, no shift + r
6 GPL Brasil (20.01-09.06) 1967 6 50 mn Pro mode + no shift-r
7 GPL Brasil (07.07-08.12) 1967 6 50 mn Pro mode + no shift-r
8 GPL Racer (22.01-26.11) 1965 5 45 mn Pro mode + no shift-r
9 GPL Racer (29.01-04.06) 1969 X 5 45 mn Pro mode + no shift-r
10 GPL Racer (27.08-03.12) SC X 5 45 mn Pro mode + no shift-r
11 Grand Prix Argentina League (07.03-07.11) SC X 3 35 mn

shift-r illimité ds le 1er tour puis ds les stands seulement

12 Grand Prix Argentina League (14.03-12.12) 1967 4 35 mn

shift-r illimité ds le 1erv tour puis ds les stands seulement

13 Grand Prix Argentina League (04.04-21.11) 1965 3 35 mn

shift-r illimité ds le 1erv tour puis ds les stands seulement

14 LBGPL - Ligue Belge de GPL (28.01-16.12) 1969 X & F2 3 40 & 20+20 mn Shift-r illimité
15 Mybroga Motorsport (06.01-03.02) 1967 4 45 mn Int long + shift+r + stop&go in pitlane in the next lap
16 Mybroga Motorsport (13.02-03.07) 1967 X 4 35 mn Int long + shift+r + stop&go in pitlane in the next lap
17 Mybroga Motorsport (12.03-02.07) F2 3 35-45 mn Int long + shift+r + stop&go in pitlane in the next lap
18 Mybroga Motorsport (30.07-10.12) 1967 4 45 mn Int long + shift+r + stop&go in pitlane in the next lap
19 Mybroga Motorsport (31.07-11.12) 1969 X 3 45 mn Int long + shift+r + stop&go in pitlane in the next lap
20 OAO - Online Autoracing Organization (09.02-09.11) 1967 - D1 6 60 mn Pro Long - realistic damage mode, no shift + r
21 OAO - Online Autoracing Organization (16.02-16.11) 1967 - D2 4 60 mn Pro Long - realistic damage mode, shift + r in pits only
22 PanAm (19.02-02.06) 1967 5 35-45 mn Pro mode + no shift-r
23 PanAm (10.09-..) F2 4 35-45 mn Pro mode + no shift-r
24 PDLR/Gaiztor (22.01-12.03) 1955 5 & 4 50 & 35 mn Pro mode + no shift-r
25 PDLR/Gaiztor (26.03-16.07) 1967 5 35-40 mn Pro mode + no shift-r
26 PDLR/Gaiztor (10.09-10.12) 1965 4 35-40 mn Pro mode + no shift-r
27 PGPL (17.02-08.12) 1967 6 55 mn Pro mode + no shift-r (+Pitstop Patch V1.0)
28 UKGPL (13.01-02.06) 1967-D1 6 50 mn Pro mode + no shift-r
29 UKGPL (20.01-09.06) 1967-D2 5 50 mn Int Long + 1 shift-R in pits
30 UKGPL (20.01-09.06) 1955 5 50 mn Pro mode + no shift-r
31 UKGPL (22.01-11.06) 1966 5 50 mn Pro mode + no shift-r
32 UKGPL (15.01-04.06) 1969 X 5 50 mn Pro mode + no shift-r & 1 shift-R in pits
33 UKGPL (09.07-10.12) 1966 5 50 mn Pro mode + no shift-r
34 UKGPL (30.06-01.12) 1967 D1 & 2 6 & 5 50 mn

Pro mode + no shift-r


1 shift-r + stop&go in pitlane in the next lap*



35 UKGPL (07.07-08.12) SC X 5 50 mn

Pro mode + no shift-r


1 shift-r + stop&go in pitlane in the next lap*



36 UKGPL (02.07-03.12) 1965 5 50 mn

Pro mode + no shift-r


1 shift-r + stop&go in pitlane in the next lap*














Pilote - Driver Ligues - Leagues
Albrecht Kleinfeld (-9) Fun-Liga, GELI
. Alex der Gaertner GPL Brasil, OAO
. Andi Stangl GPLRacer
. Andreas Gebhardt (-15) Fun-Liga, UKGPL
. Axel Cookie Fun-Liga, GELI, UKGPL
. Axel Cordt (+31) GELI
. Bastian Grupp (-27) GPLRacer, UKGPL
. Christof Gietzelt (-60) GELI
. Ferdinand Schulze (-28) GELI, HIES
. Frank Miele - Killer Miele (-54) GELI, GPL Brasil, OAO
. Hans Marfan (-29) GELI
. Jimmy Jimmy


. Josefine Thiel GELI
. Lasse Oetinger GELI
. Mario Wilhelm (-61) Fun-Liga, GELI
. Olaf Lehmann (-14) HIES
. Rainer Alpen GELI, HIES
. Ruben Hornacek GELI
. Rudolf Goertz (+21) OAO
. Stefan Roess (-14 est) GPLRacer
. Ulrich Hofmann (-60) GPLRacer, UKGPL
. Uwe Herrling (-48) GELI
Xavier Gállego - Nick Xug (-18) PDLR
Billy Nobrakes (+6) GPL Brasil, UKGPL
. Clive Gardner (-34) UKGPL
. Clive Loynes (-25) PDLR, UKGPL
. Dave Curtis (+2) UKGPL
. Gareth Hall (-10 est) UKGPL
. George Cheeseman OAO
. Iestyn Davies (-76) GPL Brasil, GPLRacer, HIES, LBGPL, OAO, PDLR, UKGPL
. John Hammonds - Jeep (-20) HIES, Mybroga, OAO, UKGPL
. Mick Chapman (-40) OAO
. Mike James - miner2049er (+65) UKGPL
. Paul Skingley (-50 est) GPLRacer, LBGPL
. Phil Thornton (-13) UKGPL
. Rew Mellor GPLRacer, HIES
. Richard Welsh UKGPL
. Ronnie Nilsson (-9) GPLRacer, OAO, UKGPL
. Tim Folkard OAO
. Tim Muttram - FullMetalGasket (-43) UKGPL
Andres Oggero (-41) Grand Prix Argentina League, Mybroga, PanAm
. Claudio Navonne (-26) OAO
. Dario Fiocca (-2) Clandestines, Grand Prix Argentina League, Mybroga, PanAm
. Facundo Galella (-25) Mybroga
. Fetaman - Hernan Marrodan (+ 43) Grand Prix Argentina League, Mybroga
. Gogo Tourist - Rodrigo ? (-28) Mybroga
. José Fierroford (-59) Grand Prix Argentina League, Mybroga, PanAm
. Juan Druetta Clandestines, Mybroga, PanAm
. Juan Manuel Nitz Galan Clandestines, Mybroga, PanAm
. Juan McMahon Mybroga, PanAm
. Julepe Mepegueun - Julio Gonzalez Grand Prix Argentina League, Mybroga, PanAm
. Leandro Bonini Grand Prix Argentina League
. Leo Galan Barlo Mybroga
. Lucas N (+29) Clandestines, Grand Prix Argentina League, Mybroga, PanAm
. Marcos Mirande (-54) Clandestines, Mybroga, OAO
. Mati Falas GPL Brasil, Grand Prix Argentina League, Mybroga, PanAm, OAO
. Matias Romero Mybroga
. Miguel MigComand (+12) Clandestines, GPL Brasil, Grand Prix Argentina League, Mybroga, PanAm
. Miguel Palud - Alboretto (-53) Clandestines, GPL Brasil, Grand Prix Argentina League, Mybroga, OAO, PanAm
. Nelson Baez Mybroga
. Oscar Clandestines, Grand Prix Argentina League, Mybroga, PanAm
. Pablo Soria - Negrullo (-22) Grand Prix Argentina League, PanAm
. Pablo Sosa (-62) Clandestines, GPL Brasil, Grand Prix Argentina League, Mybroga, PanAm
. Ruben Ramos Grand Prix Argentina League, Mybroga, PanAm
. Santi Galan Barlo Mybroga
. Sebastian Skinner (-55) Mybroga, PanAm
. Tito (+44) Clandestines, Grand Prix Argentina League, Mybroga, PanAm
. Torino 380w - Piruckogpl - Víctor Peralta (-8) Grand Prix Argentina League, Mybroga, PanAm
. Valentin Brusaferri Clandestines, Mybroga, PanAm
Ed Cullen (-65) OAO
Michi Kovacs (-26) OAO
. Tim Roedl Fun-Liga, GELI, HIES, UKGPL
Eric Appelmans (-40) LBGPL
. Jean-Francois Bovy (+14) LBGPL
. Michiels Kayo OAO
Pavel Zherebtsov (-13) GPLRacer
. Roman Zherebtsov GPLRacer
ba.gif Oliver Rakonjac - Oly9 (-63) UKGPL
Albert Hallu GPL Brasil
. Durval Beccho Clandestines, GPL Brasil
. Eduardo Fossa - Du Fossa (+22) Clandestines, GPL Brasil
. Eduardo Lima - Dulima (-3) Clandestines, Grand Prix Argentina League, GPL Brasil, Mybroga, OAO, PanAm, PGPL, UKGPL
. Joao Marcon - Jonny O (-40) Clandestines, GPL Brasil, Grand Prix Argentina League, Mybroga, PanAm, PGPL, UKGPL
. Luiz Covisi - luiz Clandestines, GPL Brasil, PanAm
. Renato Jungle - Renato Piacenti (-41) Clandestines, GPL Brasil, PanAm
. Ricardo Ramos (-21) Clandestines, GPL Brasil, PanAm
. Ricardo Silva (+44) Clandestines, GPL Brasil, Mybroga, OAO, PanAm, UKGPL
. Rodrigo Pilenghi (+5 est) GPL Brasil
. Rogerio Ottoni Clandestines
Alain St-Cyr OAO
. Andrew Hutchinson OAO
. B LEWIS-55 - Blair Lewis Clandestines
. Bob Simpson (+14 est) OAO
. Daniel Down (+11) HIES, LBGPL, Mybroga, OAO
. Donnie Yourth - Lance DeBoyle Clandestines, Fun-Liga, GPL Brasil, GPLRacer, HIES, Mybroga, OAO, PDLR
. Eric Bilodeau (-2) Clandestines, GPL Brasil, PGPL, UKGPL
. Jean Narrash PGPL
. Jean-Claude Lavoie PGPL
Yon Trabalto PanAm
croa.gif Sanjin Haler (-74) GELI
. Syd Drake (-26) UKGPL
Pelle Buchner (-68) HIES, PDLR, UKGPL
Colin Craig - Arf Arf (-30) UKGPL
Aitor Fernandez - Aitor Birle (-46.4) PDLR
. Cayo Cambero - Francisco Javier Fresnedoso (-29) PDLR
. Jesús Trooper - Mr Trooper(-6) PDLR
. Jose Luis Mezcua - Tagomago (-27) PDLR, HIES, UKGPL
. Karakol - Alexandre Ojea (-18) PDLR
. Morcoran (+10) PDLR
. Quico Giralt - Tron (-49) PDLR
. Sergio Edo - Sergio Stewart - superSTEWY (-23) PDLR
Alain Maurice Fun-Liga, GPLRacer, LBGPL, PGPL
. Alain Terremer (+40) PGPL
. Bruno Lievens - Dave Mustaine GPL Brasil, LBGPL, PGPL
. David Rainier (-18) GPL Brasil, LBGPL, PGPL, UKGPL
. François Fk PGPL
. Gilles Renaud (+181) PGPL, LBGPL
. Laurent Coeffic (-37) GPLRacer
. Michel Fournié (-38) PGPL
. Patrick Cornu (-66) LBGPL, PGPL
. Paul Sablayrolles (+14) PGPL
. Titi Douet (-66) PGPL, LBGPL
. Tom Guérout (-88) LBGPL
. Tomy afx67 - Francois Callat Fun-Liga, OAO
. Tristan Bot - MagicArsouille (-67) LBGPL, OAO, PDLR, UKGPL
Jani Posta (-41) Fun-Liga, GPL Brasil, GPLRacer, HIES, LBGPL, PDLR
Alessandro Isacchini (-8 est) GPLRacer, UKGPL
. Claudio Callipo (-63) Fun-Liga, GELI
. Francesco Molteni UKGPL
. Fulvio Policardi (-31) UKGPL
. Gianni Alvaro (+5) GPL Brasil, PGPL
. HH Spacca Grand Prix Argentina League, PanAm
. Marco Mercaldo (+1) GPLRacer
. Piero Mercaldo (-50) GPLRacer
. Roberto Baldassarri (-26) OAO
. Ronnie Peterson - Ray Cattini (-24) UKGPL
. Salvo Rappa LBGPL
. Ziu Bacubacu UKGPL
Carlos Cendejas (-24) Clandestines, Fun-Liga, GPL Brasil, Grand Prix Argentina League, Mybroga, LBGPL, OAO,PanAm
. Enrique Farina (-51) Clandestines, GPL Brasil, Grand Prix Argentina League, Mybroga, OAO, PanAm, PGPL
Andre Jahren (-33) HIES, OAO
. Bjørn Finnestad (-41) HIES, GPL Brasil
. Dag Johnsen (-43) GELI, HIES, OAO, PDLR
Erik van der Heijden GPLRacer, OAO
. Jan Melissen GPLRacer
. Marcel Gerris GPLRacer
. Michiel Pompert OAO
. Pedro van den Berg (-41) GPLRacer
. Robert Fleurke (-81) GELI, GPLRacer, HIES, OAO, UKGPL
. Roy van Drunen (-77) OAO
. Tames Oud (+281) OAO, GPLRacer
. Yannick Verheijen - Nick Verheyen (-55) Fun-Liga, GELI, GPLRacer, OAO
pol.gif Mateusz Metz OAO
David Sochenna GPL Brasil, Grand Prix Argentina League, PDLR
. Miguel Salgado GPL Brasil
. Pedro Ramalho (-27) GPL Brasil, UKGPL
drapeau xiti roumanie.gif Niky Dorobantzu OAO
Petr Romanov (-58) GPLRacer
Anders Östlund (-46) GPLRacer
Fabian Casula (-33) GELI, GPLRacer
. Phil Ebarti (-20 est) GELI, HIES
Konstantin Zubov GPLRacer
Miguel Kosec (+ 10) Grand Prix Argentina League
. Ozpata - Oscar Plada (- 14) Grand Prix Argentina League


Sebastián Farina Veira

GPL Brasil, Grand Prix Argentina League

Bo Bruce - Bruce Boembeke (-12) Clandestines, OAO
. Bob "Pepe" Higdon (+7) OAO, UKGPL
. Bob Holada (-5) OAO
. Chuck Koboldt Mybroga
. Don Dodge (+8) Clandestines, OAO
. Doug Huber Mybroga
. Eagle Rapids (-17) Mybroga
. Gregory Taber (-44 est) Fun-Liga, GPL Brasil, Mybroga, UKGPL
. Peter Lohmar (+48) OAO
. JW Outlaw - John Woods (-28) GPL Brasil, OAO
. Michael Lowery (-55) OAO
. Kelvin Mace (-65) GELI
. Mark Minard UKGPL
. Richard Busch (+15) OAO
. Ziggy Moonglow - ZiggyM (-11) Mybroga


















  Toutes les courses de l'année / All races of the year ( mise à jour au / updated  21.12.19) 



A suivre / to be continued...


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